Comune di Torgiano
Torgiano’s ancient history dates back to the Etruscan period: an acumulation of knowledge throughout the years has transformed Torgiano into an area full of traditions and suggestions.
Infact some of the findings recovered from the areas around Torgiano aand Brufa appear to confirm the hypothesis of the precence in this area of small Etruscan settlements, possibly on the borders of the areas occupied by the people of Umbria and delimited by the course of the Tiber rver.
The drainage process of the residual swamps of the Tiberino Lake.
On 9th March 1274 the City of Perugia, acting in the framework of a demographic, agricultural and economic expancion policy towards the Tiber plains and after having purchased several pieces of land for this specific objective, deliberated the re-foundation of the “Castrum Torsciani”. In the years to come the City of Perugia increased urban development as well as the economy of the entire area, while the castle of Torgiano began to look more nd more like a fortified town.
In 1500 the castle was plundered by the army of the Duke of Valentino despite the fact that it was t the service of the people of Perugia, while on 3rd September 1510 it welcomed Pope Julius II. In 1540 it miraculously escaped the devastation that struck Perugia following the “Salt War”, an event that the people of Torgiano began to celebrate by preparing the first flower decorations, subsequently inherited by Corpus Christi celebrations.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, the development of agricultural economy that underwent a huge increase under the fascist government, launched the industrialisation of the Fifties and Sixties and led to dissolution of the small farms. However, Torgiano was able to maintain its natural agricultural vocation by concentrating in particular on the cultivation of vineyards and olive trees, allowing it to protect a rural landscape knowingly aimed at an alternative and high quality tourism.
By entering the town, the tourists, from Piazza Matteotti and walking down Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, on the left hand side you will find the Oratorio della Misericordia, flanked by the imposing building of Pieve di San Bartolomeo, dating back to the beginning of the nineteenth century. Continuing in this direction you will come across the Palazzo Comunale on the left, built at the beginning of the 1900’s, with Palazzo Baglioni on the corner. On the other side of the square the seventeenth century Palazzo Graziani Baglioni can be found housing the famous Wine Museum.
At the end of the Corso Vittorio Emanuele II you will find the Oratorio di Sant’Antonio, whose shortes external side in covered by the fresco of Madonna with Child attributed to the school of Domenico Alfani, the famous painter from Perugia, in the first half of the sixteenth century and one of Raffaello’s apprentices. Walking along Via Garibaldi you will come across the Museum of Olive and Oil. Once you reach Piazza della Repubblica you can visit the Pottery Museum that holds the rich Collection of Author Crockery for New Wine and the exhibition of the sculpture Nino Caruso, set up by the Authority during the exhibition organized in November. Just a short distance outside of the walls, in a dominating position, you can admire the medieval Baglioni Tower.
Enlarged view of the map / Road directions
How to find us:
Comune di Torgiano
- Address: Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 25 - 06089 - Torgiano (PG)
- Phone: +39 075 988601
- Fax: +39 075 982128
- E-mail:
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More Information:
Tourist Information Office
Piazza della Repubblica, 9 – 06089 Torgiano (PG) Tel +39 075 6211682
Opening time: Mon-Fri 9.00/13.00 and 15.00/18.00.